Et tu, Public House Quiz?
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Film: UK Crime/Gangster
Question of
The word ‘assassin’ is said to originate from the Order of Al-Hassasin, a High Medieval mercenary operation, based in which country?
Question of
What weapon ended the life of Leon Trotsky?
Question of
And what weapon was used in the infamous assassination of Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, in London in 1978?
Serrated hat
Poison-firing Umbrella
Exploding box of chocolates
Question of
Whose murder is thought to be the first at the hands of a suicidal assassin?
Indira Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi
Benazir Bhutto
Question of
How many of the four assassinated US presidents (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy) died from gunshot wounds?
Question of
What was the nationality of footballer Andrés Escobar who was killed on returning from the 1994 World Cup, having scored an owl-goal?
Question of
The downing of an aeroplane carrying Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira by unknown attackers using a surface-to-air missile, was the catalyst for an explosion of ethnic violence where?
Chad/Central African Republic
East Timor
Question of
Knights carrying out the orders of which king, slaughtered Archbishop Thomas Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral?
William II
Henry II
Question of
The founder of which Christian denomination was shot dead by a masked mob as he awaited trial for treason in an Illinois prison?
Jehovah’s Witness
Born Again Christians
Question of
Fleeing assassins, which King of Scots ran down a sewage pipe from his palace? (Only to remember the tunnel mouth had been boarded up on his instructions, as he kept losing his tennis balls from his nearby court. Trapped in a dead end of his own making he was stabbed to death.)
David II
James I
James III
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