Question of
How many of the S.D.P ‘Gang of Four’ joined the newly-formed Liberal Democrats in 1988?
Question of
Which Liberal spent most years as Prime Minister?
William Gladstone
Herbert Asquith
David Lloyd George
Question of
Under which of these leaders did the Lib Dems win their highest number of seats at a General Election?
Ed Davey
Charles Kennedy
Nick Clegg
Question of
The Liberal landslide election victory of 1905 was led by whom?
Herbert Asquith
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Earl of Rosebery
Question of
David Penhaligon, President of the Liberal Party, and considered a potential future leader, was killed in a car crash in 1986. What constituency did he represent?
Question of
In which of these counties did the Lib Dems win every seat in the 2010 election?
Question of
Who dated a Cheeky Girl and a weather woman?
Lembit Opik
Vince Cable
Charles Kennedy
Question of
In the most infamous political scandal of the 1970s, Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe was found not guilty of doing what?
Taking drugs with a prostitute.
Performing a lewd act in a gent’s toilet.
Hiring an assassin to murder his secret boyfriend.
Question of
A landmark of liberalism the 1908 Old Age Pension Act set the bar at what minimum age?
Question of
Who won the hotly-contested Bermondsey byelection of 1983?
Simon Hughes
Rosie Barnes
Paddy Ashdown
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