Question of
How does ‘Es, Ich, and Über-Ich’ translate into Latin?
Id, Ego, and Superego
Logos, Thymos, and Eros
Sitius On Couch
Question of
Who countered Freud by coining the term, ‘womb envy’?
Anna Freud
Karen Horney
Melanie Klein
Question of
What part of the brain deals with language, understanding, perception, memory acquisition, facial and object recognition, and auditory information processing?
Frontal Lobes
Temporal Lobes
Parietal Lobes
Question of
The concept of introverts and extroverts was introduced by whom?
Alfred Adler
Aaron Beck
Carl Jung
Question of
Who said, ‘if you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail’?
Abraham Maslow
Viktor Frankl
Albert Bandura
Question of
A 2017 W.H.O. report found which country has the most psychologists (222) per 100,000 people?
South Korea
Question of
With what field is Jean Piaget most associated?
Abnormal Psychology,
Child Development Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Question of
Name the psychologist who wrote a Utopian Science-fiction novel, Waldon Two, based on his behaviourist principles?
Erik Erikson
Lawrence Kohlberg
B.F. Skinner
Question of
Who is the ‘Mother of Mindfulness’?
Carol S. Dweck
Ellen J. Langer
Sonja Lyubomirsky
Question of
What is considered the ‘first school of thought’ in psychology?
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