More than a Feint Chance?
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Second World War: Tough
Question of
Operation Bagration the 1944 Soviet operation, by some measures considered the greatest defeat ever inflicted on an army, was named in honour of a Georgian Prince died fighting whom?
Kublai Khan
Suliman the Magnificent
Napoleon Bonaparte
Question of
Name the military strategy whereby open battles are avoided, in favour of attrition and guerrilla warfare?
Bellum se ipsum alet
Elastic Defence
Question of
Fought in 1675, name the pivotal battle between Europeans and Native Americans during King Philip’s war.
The Great Swamp Fight
The Black Bog Battle
Chase of Foetid Glade
Question of
What was the name of the 1991 US led operation to free Kuwait from Iraqi occupation?
Enduring Freedom
Desert Storm
Freedom Fries
Question of
Whose previously successful military career came to an end at the Battle of Fraga, 1134?
Alfonso the Battler
Jose the Ox
Ferdinand Axe-Wound
Question of
Which country won the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale, 1988, but could not mention their triumph at home, since the government insisted it was not at war, allowing their vanquished Cuban foes to claim victory?
South Africa
Question of
Sun Tzu Name the, still-influential, book written by the Ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu?
The Art of War
On War
The Fog of War
Question of
Fought principally in Europe but also in Asia, North America, and Africa, in which century was the Seven Years War?
Question of
Who lost his legions in Teutoburg Forest? Flavius Aetius, Scipio, Varus -c
Flavius Aetius
Question of
Along with Britain, France, and Ottoman Empire, who fought Russia in the Crimean War?
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