Question of
Contrary to popular opinion, John Smith is not Britain’s most common name. So what is?
David Smith
Mary Smith
Michael Smith
Question of
Which Scot, considered the father of modern economics, wrote Wealth of Nations?
Question of
In which region of Oceania did fictional dissident Winston Smith live?
Airstrip One
State 51
North West Quadrant
Question of
Which member of The Smiths went on to form supergroup Electronic with Bernard Sumner, Karl Bartos and the Pet Shop Boys?
Johnny Marr
Mike Joyce
Question of
Ian Smith was the last white prime minister of which country?
South Africa
Southwest Africa
Question of
Maggie Smith played who in Downton Abbey?
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Dowager Countess of Grantham
Marchioness of Flintshire
Question of
And which Will Smith character rapped, ‘Yo holmes, smell ya later’.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Agent J
Whatever his character in Independence Day was called.
Question of
What was the name of the Labour Party leader who died of a heart attack in 1994?
Bob Smith
John Smith
Clement Smith
Question of
Irishwoman Michelle Smith was a controversial figure in which sport?
Question of
What is the blacksmith’s workshop or forge known as?
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