Hello, hello, turn your radio quiz on.
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Question of
Who is generally recognised as the inventor of radio?
John Logie Baird
Thomas Edison
Guglielmo Marconi
Question of
Brazilian Robert Landell de Moura is thought to be the first person to transmit the human voice across the radio-waves (a distance of eight kilometres in 1892). What was his profession?
Telegram Operator
Teacher at a School for the Blind
Question of
What was invented by American engineer Edwin Armstrong in 1933?
AM (Amplitude Modulation)
FM (Frequency Modulation)
Short Wave Radio
Question of
The 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds caused widespread panic amongst US wireless listeners. Who wrote the original story?
Samuel Butler
Olaf Stapledon
H.G. Wells
Question of
Name the radio station established at the start of the Cold War to transmit US propaganda to the Communist-controlled Eastern bloc? (It would later merge with Radio Liberty).
Radio Free Europe
Radio Hope
Radio Truth
Question of
BBC Radio’s long-running rural soap opera The Archers is set in which fictional village?
Question of
What contemporary pop song was the first to be played on BBC Radio One on its’ launch in 1967?
Flowers in the Rain – The Move
Baby Now That I’ve Found You – The Foundations
I’m a Believer – The Monkees
Question of
Until the Beebs’ belated acknowledgement of Pop/Rock music, pirate radio stations, broadcasting from international waters, served the musical needs of Britain’s youth. The most popular pirate station was named after which daughter of John F. Kennedy?
Question of
DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) was the fruit of what Eureka (EU research project) number?
Question of
The Jodrell Bank Observatory space telescopes monitors the skies above which English county?
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